Track 1: Wireless Networks
Objective: Training of participants in the use of tools and techniques for installing...
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Track 2: Hands on IPv6
Objective: Following, a detailed description of the course which will be imparted as...
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Track 3: Network Management
Objective: Provide participants with a set of structured theoretical principles on...
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Track 4: Security Informatics
Objective: This track will provide the participants with an overview of the...
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Track 5: Cloud Computing
Objective: This workshop will enable participants, through a combination of theoretical ...
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Track 6: Internet of Things
Objective: Attendees will get an overview covering all the issues that ...
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Track 7: Community Networks
Objective: Train thee participants, through a combination of theoretical an practical elements ...
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Track 8: Big Datan
Objective: Provide participants with concepts and terminology that allow them ...
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Special thanks to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the support given to WALC and EsLaRed through the Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC).